The first detailed description of the monuments of the Princely Court
The report of the Târgovişte’s City Hall, entitled "Archaeological research in the city of Târgovişte on the year 1874", registered on the 5th of January, 1875 and signed by the founder Barbu B. Secăreanu and the engineer Radulian, includes the first more detailed description of the monuments of the Royal Court:
“This church is very solidly built; it has Byzantine architecture; it exists on the right side of the courtyard as soon as you enter the gate. The painting is very old, but rich, because the flowers that surround each painting are in gold.
In front of the imperial icons, the church has a pulpit built of solid masonry above the door, at a height of 3 m, serving as a residence for the lord and the lady, which corresponded here directly through a door and connected to the second floor of the palace and which was built in the left side of the church, at a distance of 4 m, having a stone staircase with steps, which went down into the church, next to the bishop's armchair.
Ruins, fragments of the palace are still preserved, starting from the church, up to the Chindia Tower (the observatory). It has several undergrounds, which corresponded to its four sides..." (ASD. City Hall, file 70/1874).