Figures that have visited Târgovişte
Nicolae Iorga
Romanian historian, literary critic, documentarist, playwright, poet, encyclopedist, memoirist, minister, parliamentarian, prim-minister, University professor and academy member.
In 1927 he visits the Royal Court of Târgoviște accompanied by the students of the Popular University in Vălenii de Munte, where he gives a memorable speech evoking the historical importance of the city of Târgoviște.
Mihai Eminescu
Romanian poet, writer and journalist, considered by Romanian readers and by the posthumous literary criticism as the most important poet in Romanian
Eminescu comes to Târgoviște in the summer of 1867 together with Iorgu Caragiale’s theater troupe, on which occasion he visits the Royal
Court, becoming deeply impressed by its „ruins”.
Charles de Gaulle
French general and politician. In 1945 he was chosen the primminister by the French Parliament, and in 1958 he is chosen the President of France, post he maintains until April 28th 1969 when he resigns as president of the state.
On April 17th 1968 Charles de Gaulle, accompanied by the President of Romania, Nicolae Ceaușescu, visits the Royal Court of Târgoviște.
J.A. Vaillant
Professor, historian and French- Romanian linguist. He is known for his support in
the revolution of Ţările Române in 1848. In 1844, the great French historian visits the Royal Court in Târgoviște making a brief description about it.
Grigore Alexandrescu
Born in the Lemnului slum, as the fourth child of the treasurer M. Lixandrescu. He remains an orphan and poor, but even as a child he manifests an outstanding level of intelligence and an extraordinary memory. He learns Greek and French, he becomes a student in the „Sfântul Sava” National College in Bucharest, being colleague with Ion Ghica. He was a Romanian poet and fabulist, considered the greatest poet before Eminescu. He visits the Royal Court of Târgoviște many times, evoking it in a thrilling poem named Adio la Târgoviște.
Michel Bouquet
A famous painter of Breton origin, who after his travels into the Orient, reaches the Ţările Române where he paints a series of monuments in Moldova and Ţara Românească, among which the ,,Ruins of the Royal Court of Târgoviște”. The albumillustrating the monuments of Ţara Românească was published in Paris in year 1843, under the name Wallachian Album.
Wilhem de Hohenzollern
He was the eldest son of Leopold, Prince of Hohenzollern and of the Infanta Antónia of Portugal. In 1905 he becomes the honorific commander of Regiment III Dâmboviţa no. 22. On May 10th, on the occasion of the 40 years jubilee since the moment King Carol I took the throne, the Regiment III Dâmboviţa no. 22 led by Wilhem de Hohenzollern, paraded before King Carol I.
During the inspections performed within the Dâmboviţa regiment, in year 1910, the honorific commander of the regiment also visits the ruins of the Royal Court.
Gheorghe Bibescu
studying in Bucharest and in Paris, he enters, in year 1824, in the country’s public administration, within the Ministry of Justice and Foreign Affairs, but he quits in 1834, living, until the year 1842 in Paris and Vienna. When he returns, he becomes the
leader of the party opposing the Lord Alexandru D. Ghica, and manages to take the throne, becoming the ruler of Ţara Româneasca for the period January 1st 1843 – June 13/25th 1848. As the country’s ruler, he orders the restoration of various monuments, among which the Royal Court of Târgoviște also; in 1847 the inspects the restoration works performed on the Chindia Tower.
Elena Văcărescu
Poet, writer, French expression playwright, she was the daughter of the diplomat Ioan Văcărescu and of Eufrosinei Fălcoianu, the direct niece of Iancu Văcărescu . Elena was engaged to the young Prince Ferdinand, the King’s nephew, the heir prince of the throne. However, their engagement had an unfortunate ending, causing a huge scandal, making her a persona non grata, on the orders of King Carol I, Elena Văcărescu took refuge in Italy, only to settle in Paris, later. When she returns, she visits Văcăreștii and Târgoviște, stopping at the Royal Court ,,Chindia is the tower
dominating the city of Târgoviște, the remain of the old castle of voivodes, the tower that my child eyes have seen so many times”.