Virgil Drăghiceanu Street
In order to know the history of the place we live in, but also for being proud of our belonging, we started a series named “Streets Speak”, where we have the pleasure to tell the stories of the streets in our city.
This “episode” is about Virgil Draghiceanu Street.
This “episode” is about Virgil Draghiceanu Street.
Born in Târgovişte, in 1879, Virgil Drăghiceanu attended primary school here. Then he went to the University of Bucharest, being licensed in Letters and Philosophy.
He was a librarian of the Church House, but Virgil Drăghiceanu's activity focused around the Commission for Historical Monuments and its Bulletin, where he proved to be a diligent researcher of historical monuments, fulfilling several functions: secretary, secretary-director, member, conservator of his collections of religious art.
For 40 years, Virgil Drăghiceanu remained attached to the monuments of Dâmbovița, turning his attention to and writing about, among many others, the ruins of the Church of the Holy Emperors in Târgoviște, in 1931. He published the inscriptions from The Saint Friday Church and, two years later, a valuable study about the Metropolitan Cathedral.
At the conference held at the Infantry School, in January 1913, Virgil Drăghiceanu explained to the future officers that "in order to understand, however, something from the past, you must strip yourself of the current personality, to delve as much as possible into the past, to judge and feel according to the era in which you have descended, so that you can look at the subject with objectivity".