Ienăchiță Văcărescu

Ienăchiță Văcărescu

Descendants of an old and influential boyar family, Văcăreștii owned estates in Dâmbovița County, including the one near Târgoviște, which gave the name of Văcărești village.
Ienchiță Văcărescu was a man with a vast culture, who knew Greek, Latin, Italian, French, German and Turkish. He held senior positions on the royal divan and served in diplomatic missions in Constantinople and Vienna.
As a man of culture he has philological and historical concerns, remaining known in our culture as a poet, his poems having a didactic and moralizing component, leaving a true testament: “To my Văcărești descendants / I leave you a legacy / The growth of the Romanian language / And of the homeland honor. ”
Ienchiță Văcărescu was the author of the first printed work on Romanian grammar, from the Romanian space (1787), which in addition to the various grammatical categories, also includes a chapter on prosody, illustrated with original examples.
Scholar and polyglot, forerunner of the use of the cult Romanian language, poet, grammarian, historian and philologist, Ienăchiţă Văcărescu left us, all Romanians, a vast legacy.
A street and a prestigious school bear his name today in Târgoviște.

Let's know our history and respect it!

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