The trade routes
Târgovişte city, an economic and commercial center, was located on one of the great commercial roads that connected the center of Europe with the ports of the Lower Danube and the Black Sea. At the beginning of the 15th century, merchants used two important communication routes to sell goods.
Existing since ancient times, one on the valley of Dâmboviţa and the other on that of Ialomiţa, the two main communication roads each had two parallel roads: the Great Road and the Mocanilor Road (the road of the Sheep). They intersected at Târgovişte, from where they branched off towards the Danube ports.
A path followed the valley of the Ialomița towards the spillway, crossing the ford at Târgovişte towards Brǎila via Târgşor and Buzǎu. The second path followed the river Dâmbovița through Bucharest towards Giurgiu, Zimnicea, Turnu.
Along with the economic and political development of the city and the county, new special roads appear such as the "salt road from Ocnița" or "Ocna Micǎ de làngǎ Târgovişte" through Adânca-Bucşani towards Bucharest and the Danube.
In the medieval era, the caravans of Brasov residents with various goods (crafts, spices, wines) traveled along these trade roads on the Bran road through Târgovişte to Brǎila, and from here to the East. And also on these roads, local goods (animals, honey, wax, cheeses, fish, furs) were transported to Transylvania and the East.
The trade roads were a source of income and prosperity for Târgovişte, they contributed to the development of the settlement and to its rise from the rank of a fair to that of a city.