The Văcărescus’ Legacy
Târgovişte, as we well know, is an old center of Romanian spirituality. From Macarie's printing house, of which the first prints on the Romanian territory came out, until today, Targoviste gave sonorous names in literature.
The name of the old Wallachian capital is linked to the destiny of many members of the Văcărescu family (Alecu, Nicolae or Iancu) who have played a special role in the political, social and cultural life of the country.
The activity of the Văcăreşti poets, carried out over the span of three quarters of a century, leaves a significant literary legacy, representing not only a change of mentality compared to the previous attempts, but also a beginning of affirmation of the new, modern spirit in poetry.
"The Văcărescus’ Legacy" Contest-Festival was born, at the initiative of some bookmen - George Coandǎ, Constantin Manolescu, Victor Petrescu, Ion Gavrilǎ, Vasile Chiriuc - from the desire to affirm some young talents, but also from the need to make known the invaluable dowry of these lands of Romanian spirituality,
The first edition of "The Văcărescus’ Legacy" National Literature Festival " took place in the autumn of 1969 in Văcăreşti, and later, it moved to Târgovişte.
Edition by edition, "The Văcărescus’ Legacy" National Literature Festival became along the way a creative contest for young talents, at first, from the county, then, from all over the country, has enriched its structure and raised the quality of the cultural approach and of the creative act to higher and higher levels.