Tombstones about 370 years old at the Fair Church
In the heart of the old center of Targoviste, surrounded by old merchant houses lined up along the narrow streets, in the middle of a verdant courtyard, rises imposingly one of the old churches of the city - the Fair Church.
The historical monument was built in 1654, during Matei Basarab's reign, at the expense of boyar Udrişte Năsturel, on the site of an older church.
Even if it was deeply affected by the passage of time, that older church continued to be used. The documents and the archeological proofs show that, around 1646, a certain military commander and steward of the old church, Radu, buried here two sons, dead before maturity, Oprea and Paraschiva. The two small tombstones can still be seen today, embedded in the south wall of the current church.
Even if it was deeply affected by the passage of time, that older church continued to be used. The documents and the archeological proofs show that, around 1646, a certain military commander and steward of the old church, Radu, buried here two sons, dead before maturity, Oprea and Paraschiva. The two small tombstones can still be seen today, embedded in the south wall of the current church.