The Kretzulescu Church
Near the exit to Pucioasa-Moroieni-Sinaia, in the old Suseni district, there is a beautiful church, representative for the medieval architectural area of the old Wallachia citadel.
At the end of the 14th century and the beginning of the 15th century, the church already existed, and it was considered to be a foundation of the ruler Mircea the Elder, built on the ruins of an older wooden church that disappeared.
Although it does not impress with its proportions, the Church - Kretzulescu Archbishop's Chapel presents a particular interest, through some architectural elements. With a rectangular plan, the edifice presents the ritual compartmentalization: pronaos, naos and altar; the western side ending with a porch.
At the entrance from the pronaos to the naos, towards the end of the 15th century, a carved stone portal, of late Gothic style, of the type with crossed wands, starting from spiral bases, having in the upper part a cornice with floral motifs.
By virtue of a larger program of consolidation, restoration and conservation of cultic edifices, initiated between the years 2001-2005, extensive works were carried out at the Kretzulescu Church that enhanced the monument.