„The world is the way it is ... and it's like us.”

„The world is the way it is ... and it's like us.”

On the anniversary day, it is worth mentioning that Târgoviște hosted Mihai Eminescu when he was only 17 years old and traveled around the country with Iorgu Caragiale's theater troupe, being an actor, copywriter, dramatic poet, but also a director.
Impressed by the old Seat Fortress of Wallachia and by the poets from Târgoviște, "who wrote a language like a honeycomb" - Văcărescu, Heliade Rădulescu, Cârlova, Alexandrescu -, Eminescu will create the poem "Epigonii".
It was his urge to rediscover himself, it was the expression of his desire to return to some haloed patterns of faith and sincerity.
Epigones - a true poetic art - express the poet's uplifting conception that art is meant to reflect the aspirations of beauty and perfection of all mankind.
On the birthday of the national poet, we also celebrate the National Culture Day, a day of major importance in promoting Romanian culture and art, when all museums are waiting for their visitors because the entrance is free.

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