Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Food Science
Valahia University of Targoviste
In response to a growing demand for environmental education, food processing technologies as well as food safety, and mountain area agriculture, especially in less advanced countries, the FIMSA developed several science curriculum for life sciences available for students starting with early 1992. The current science programs emphasized disciplinary strength but with sufficient integrative courses that students were able to gain an appreciation of the complexity of societal demands and the need for interdisciplinary investigations of the stringent problems and solutions that we are confronting nowadays.
The mission of the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Food Science is to train specialists with high professional, general and specialized skills. Besides professional training, the mission of the faculty is reflected in the creation of social, human, intellectual and spiritual values. This goal includes graduates’responsibility regarding the implementation of the three security-nutrition-food safety norms, environmental protection and sustainable use of naturel biogical resources by humans, and also rural development.
Environmental Engineering and Protection in Agriculture (Bachelor Degree Studies) and Systems of Control and Evaluation of Environmental Quality (Master Degree Studies) aim to train specialists in the fields of conservation, environmental planning and systematization of agricultural land.
Technology of Agricultural Products Processing (Bachelor Degree Studies) and Food Control Expertise (Master Degree Studies) have the mission to train specialists in the field of raw materials and food conditioning and production of processed foods with high biological value and high degree of innocuity, in accordance with European standards.
The specialization of Mountain Agriculture (Bachelor Degree Studies) aims the formation of engineers in agricultural, horticulture, animal breeding and land exploitation sciences in the hilly and mountainous area.