Petre Ghe. Popescu - a successful printer and Mayor of the city `under the Tower`
Petre Gh. Popescu was one of the well-known figures of this city who first became known as the owner of a pharmacy and a perfumery, and after marrying Elie Angelescu's daughter, he became the owner of the most important printing house in Târgovişte. The printing house printed books and newspapers and magazines and also any other publications that appeared in the interwar period.
Later, when was built a Cubist-style house, the printing house was connected to it and there was a bookstore and a room on the ground floor where the owner's office was located. In the house facing the square, upstairs there were different rooms rented to a famous dentist at the time, Mazilu, who also had his medical office there.
On one side of the ground floor, in the interwar period, there was a drugstore where, in addition to products for pharmaceutical purposes, products for women were also sold. In this drugstore sellers were two sisters, one of whom was a pharmacist, and the other was married to Major Stancu, from the 22nd Infantry Regiment.
Returning to Petre Gh. Popescu, about whom I said that he had that printing house for a very long time in Târgoviște, he was married to the daughter of the former owner of the places where the constructions were built and who was called Elie Angelescu, the father of one of the the greatest teachers in the city at that time, named Ilie Angelescu, professor of history-Romanian-Latin at Ienăchiță Văcărescu HighSchool between February 13, 1908 - September 11, 1939 and even director of this institution between 1921-1924 and September 1938-August 1939. In addition, Petre Gh. Popescu was a prominent member of the National Peasant Party and was chairman of the Interim Commission of Targoviste, between December 2, 1919 - April 2, 1920 and mayor of Targoviste between June 9 and July 1932, and then between September-October 1933.
In his last term as Mayor of Târgoviște, Petre Ghe. Popescu repaired the Boys' Primary School no. 1, where the Normal School `Ion Heliade Rădulescu` had functioned, the building being inaugurated in September 18th, 1933, when also the commemorative stone was unveiled with the inscription: “1833-1933 Boys' Primary School Nr. 1, the first public school in the city ”, and professor Ion Negoescu published, on this occasion, a monography dedicated to this event. Also, during Petre Ghe. Popescu`s term of only one month, the foundation stone of the market houses in Târgoviște was laid on October 22, 1933, and the Metropolitan Church was consecrated on November 11-12, 1933, considered one of the most important events of the city.
Petre Gh. Popescu's wife died young, shortly after the Cubist-style house, in which his family had settled, was built. They had two children, Geta, married to an engineer from Ploiești and Mihail who, although he had studied history and became a distinguished teacher, still, during the communist regime was forbidden to teach this discipline, on the grounds that his father had pursued a peasant policy, so that he came to teach the Romanian language and literature and flirting with literature, it seems that he managed to draw a manuscript about the history of Romanian literature, but it remained unpublished.
In very turbulent times of war, more precisely after the moment of August 23, 1944, the former mayor of Petre Ghe. Popescu was simply expelled by the communists on the grounds that he had been mayor from the part of Peasants Party, and they fraudulently installed a mayor of - theirs. Soon, Petre Gh. Popescu was forced to leave both his home and the city of Targoviste, settling his residence in a locality in Moldavia, where he died.
Article author,
Cornel Marculescu
Later, when was built a Cubist-style house, the printing house was connected to it and there was a bookstore and a room on the ground floor where the owner's office was located. In the house facing the square, upstairs there were different rooms rented to a famous dentist at the time, Mazilu, who also had his medical office there.
On one side of the ground floor, in the interwar period, there was a drugstore where, in addition to products for pharmaceutical purposes, products for women were also sold. In this drugstore sellers were two sisters, one of whom was a pharmacist, and the other was married to Major Stancu, from the 22nd Infantry Regiment.
Returning to Petre Gh. Popescu, about whom I said that he had that printing house for a very long time in Târgoviște, he was married to the daughter of the former owner of the places where the constructions were built and who was called Elie Angelescu, the father of one of the the greatest teachers in the city at that time, named Ilie Angelescu, professor of history-Romanian-Latin at Ienăchiță Văcărescu HighSchool between February 13, 1908 - September 11, 1939 and even director of this institution between 1921-1924 and September 1938-August 1939. In addition, Petre Gh. Popescu was a prominent member of the National Peasant Party and was chairman of the Interim Commission of Targoviste, between December 2, 1919 - April 2, 1920 and mayor of Targoviste between June 9 and July 1932, and then between September-October 1933.
In his last term as Mayor of Târgoviște, Petre Ghe. Popescu repaired the Boys' Primary School no. 1, where the Normal School `Ion Heliade Rădulescu` had functioned, the building being inaugurated in September 18th, 1933, when also the commemorative stone was unveiled with the inscription: “1833-1933 Boys' Primary School Nr. 1, the first public school in the city ”, and professor Ion Negoescu published, on this occasion, a monography dedicated to this event. Also, during Petre Ghe. Popescu`s term of only one month, the foundation stone of the market houses in Târgoviște was laid on October 22, 1933, and the Metropolitan Church was consecrated on November 11-12, 1933, considered one of the most important events of the city.
Petre Gh. Popescu's wife died young, shortly after the Cubist-style house, in which his family had settled, was built. They had two children, Geta, married to an engineer from Ploiești and Mihail who, although he had studied history and became a distinguished teacher, still, during the communist regime was forbidden to teach this discipline, on the grounds that his father had pursued a peasant policy, so that he came to teach the Romanian language and literature and flirting with literature, it seems that he managed to draw a manuscript about the history of Romanian literature, but it remained unpublished.
In very turbulent times of war, more precisely after the moment of August 23, 1944, the former mayor of Petre Ghe. Popescu was simply expelled by the communists on the grounds that he had been mayor from the part of Peasants Party, and they fraudulently installed a mayor of - theirs. Soon, Petre Gh. Popescu was forced to leave both his home and the city of Targoviste, settling his residence in a locality in Moldavia, where he died.
Article author,
Cornel Marculescu