Dealu Monastery
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One of the most complete monuments of ancient Romanian architecture, the Dealu Monastery located northeast of Targoviste on the plateau on the Voivodes Hill is one of the oldest voivodeship foundations.
The way it was built was extremely ingenious, as it resisted countless stories over the years, being one of the few monuments in our country that preserved to a large extent their original appearance.
On the floor of the narthex there are embedded the grave stones of Vladislav II, Vlad the Young, Patrascu cel Bun and of the elderly ruler of Moldova, Mihail Movilă, cast out of the chair and buried here in 1608. Next to them was the stone of a tomb placed initially above the head of Michael the Brave, by Radu Buzescu in 1601.
Today, two large marble sarcophagi, carved by Frederic Storck in 1913, placed on the northern or southern side, shelter the tomb of the founder and the ruler Michael the Brave.