The favorable habitat conditions in the middle
basin of Ialomiţa have caused the early population of
the area. Archaeological research performed on the
city’s territory or the accidental discoveries following
various household activities have proven that this
region was inhabited since the Neolithic era, the
Neolithic ceramic fragments discovered at the Royal
Court, indicating the appearance of its first
inhabitants at the beginning of the III millennium
B.C. Both in the Royal Court but also in other
locations (such as, for example, the Priseaca Neighborhood), we have the signs of
Bronze Age settlements (the Tei culture), indicating a
strong population during the II century B.C.
The geto-dacian civilization is presented through
monetary discoveries: two specimens being issued
during the reign of Philip II of Macedon (359-336) – in
the micro XII neighbourhood, a Thaisian coin – at the
Royal Court, Roman Republican coins discovered both
isolated or as part of a treasury – The White Church.
Archeological excavations revealed, in the area of
the Suseni Neighborhood, in the Northern part of the
city, the signs of settlements from the III-IV centuries
A.C., which belonged to the free Dacian people which
were, however, part of the roman economic circuit. In
the same area, the following years have revealed new
material evidence attesting a settlement (X-XI century)
belonging to the Dridu culture.
The old Romanian civilization is linked to the
settlement located in the Suseni Neighborhood
(Middle School no. 4) and to the coins issued by Ioan
Tzimisckes (969-976), discovered isolated. Therefore,
it’s safe to say that in the X century, the inhabitants of
these lands would have commercial relations with the
South of Danube (the presence of the coins and of the
above mentioned settlement here coincides, not by
accident, with the period during which the Byzantine
Empire was again installing its border on the Danube,
in the first stage also on the Northern shore, where it
installed garrisons). In the conditions created at the
end of the X century and the beginning of the
following one, we can see the economic revitalization
of the settlement, and we believe that closely connected
with these new economic life conditions we can look
for the beginning of the permanent feudal settlement
of Târgoviște.