Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences
Valahia University of Targoviste
The Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences from the prestigious Valahia University of Targoviste, ensures an high class academic training in the field of legal and administrative sciences.
The educational offer of the Faculty is materialized through educational programs, law and public administration license courses, with continuous learning and distance learning, as well as master degrees programs: Business Law and European Public Administration, programs of studies accredited by ARACIS.
The teaching activity is carried out by valuable teachers with national and international visibility, in accordance with the curricula adapted to the requirements of the current European requests and connected to the European credit transfer system.
The scientific research is illustrated by the magazine Valahia University Law Study, publication indexed in international data bases, the Center for Research in Social Sciences and from the numerous national and international scientific events organized by our faculty.
Also, the relations of cooperation with similar institutions in the country and abroad, with the various authorities and professional organizations and reference publishing houses in the country define the fundamental concern to form highly qualified specialists, affording effective and prestigious activities held within the faculty.