Obiective turistice în Dâmbovița
The Brancovenesc Ensemble from Potlogi
Built by Prince Constantin Brancoveanu in 1689, Potlogi Palace is the most authentic and most precious monument of medieval Romanian civil architecture, as it preserves the original appearance and proportions.
The palace’s plan is expressive, combining the role of a dwelling with that of a sumptuous princely residence - highlighted by the increase in the number and size of princely rooms, and by an increase in the richness of the decorative elements, in accordance with the new trends, the taste and the demands of the prince.
The monumental complex, which covers an area of 29,000 square meters, consists of the entrance gate, the guard’s rooms, the dwelling of the court’s servants, the kitchen, the carriage barn, the old boyar house and, obviously, the most important one – the palace.
Next to it is the church, also built by the prince, in 1683, when he was a great princely court official.
Ialomita Cave
Ialomita Cave is situated in Moroeni, Dambovita County, on the right slope of Ialomita Gorge, at an elevation of 1,660 m, carved into the Jurassic limestone of Mount Batrana in the Bucegi Mountains.
The special feature of these places has attracted over time both the Dacians, the first Christians, or the monks who were looking for seclusion and a place of prayer away from the noisy world. It is said that Saint Andrew, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ, the one sent to spread Christianity in this area, stopped at Ialomita Cave.
Zimbraria Neagra
"Zimbraria Neagra" din cadrul Ocolului silvic Bucsani, in judetul Dambovita, este situata la mai putin de 80 de kilometri de Bucuresti, la 30 de kilometri de mun. Targoviste si 35 Km fata de mun. Ploiesti.
Nascut in iunie 1986, Rociu este cel mai varstnic zimbru. Alti zimbri poarta nume ca : Rococo, Rotunda, Rogojan, Romario, Roberta si chiar "Robokap".
Zimbraria Neagra s-a infiintat in 1983, cu scopul adaptarii speciei in zona de campie a acestui animal. In 1983, au fost adusi la Bucsani 18 zimbrii din tara, dar si cateva exemplare din strainatate.