The School of Cavalry Officers
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The School of Cavalry Officers, ceremonially inaugurated only in 1919 in the presence of King Ferdinand I, is one of the representative institutions of Romanian military education, which functioned in Targoviste between 1910 and 1948. From its benches will emerge some of the elite military personnel of to the country, which will be active in the Second World War, mentioning only the future Marshal Ion Antonescu, a controversial personality from a political point of view but whose real military qualities cannot be withdrawn. As a proof of the high outfit and the exceptional training that was done within this institution, we also mention the names of Felix Ţopescu, Toma Tudoran, from Târgoviște by adoption, originally from Iaşi, and Henri Rang, multiple champions of equestrian competitions in the 1930s. last century in the United Kingdom, Germany, Austria and Poland.
Monumental construction, well proportioned, sober, with high and spacious rooms, made between 1907 - 1910, the central building of the School housed the commander's office, classrooms, officers 'casino and students' bedrooms. On its frontispiece will be inscribed the motto of this school: "THE CAVALRY OFFICER MUST BE A RIDER AND A KNIGHT", a motto that is visible until now. Behind the central pavilion were other buildings needed for the barracks: the buildings for the soldiers, the infirmary, the kitchen, the dining room, the bathroom, the laundry, four stables of 84 horses each, two stables, the horse infirmary, the horseshoe, the fodder warehouses. The management, with an area of 1000 square meters, had a roof supported by a lacework of beams, anchors and metal tie rods. It allowed riding on bad weather. At the back of the barracks, covering an area of 25 hectares, was the racecourse, which also had a grandstand (built by the Equestrian Society "Targoviste", as well as the running track) that allowed spectators to watch the races. horseback riding, jumping over obstacles and other specific exercises.
After 1948, the space of the former Cavalry School will remain linked to military activity serving as a barracks for several military units, until 2003. Destiny would reserve an essential role during the events of 1989, which led to the end of the totalitarian regime in Romania.
The exhibition concept is reduced to restoring, in proportion of over 90%, the atmosphere of the late '80s and reminding the important legacy of the old Cavalry School from Târgoviște.