Faculty of Humanities

Faculty of Humanities

Valahia University of Targoviste


Str. Lt. Stancu Ion, nr. 35, cod postal 130105, Targoviste


Our institution is presently one of the most representative in Valahia University. It is recommended both by the number of students attending its courses and the results that made it known. Its particularity derives from the fact that it reunites three different fields of study: history, geography, physical education and sport. In our vision, they are related through the common objectives of the educational activities starting with the graduate level and later through the master’s degree and doctoral degree that we offer, aiming to educate our graduates and postgraduates as remarkable intellectuals with harmonious and competitive abilities in the professions for which we prepare them.

In the educational process, the students have extended options to take at every level in what concerns the technical facilities, the guidance provided by our faculty members, the scientific research activities that we closely monitor and enlarge every year, the intense exchange of students and faculty members with many other European universities. These features also reflect the preferences of the increasing number of students who chose to attend our courses. Such a reality honors us and also obliges us to insure a clearer individuality to our institution, a well defined position among other institutions with a similar profile at home or in Europe.

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